Every year, schools like Cardinal Ritter and recreational centers face the impending task of prepping and recoating the gym floors. Generally, there are two main options when it comes to recoating a floor: floor screening with an application of an OMU (oil-modified urethane) finish or a water-based finish. Determining the right option can often be a stressful process as there are many factors to consider like labor costs, product costs, dry times, gym shutdown time, fumes, and durability.


Cardinal Ritter High School


Cardinal Ritter invited FlexPAC and Betco in to demo their time-proven, water-based system. The school ultimately chose a water-based system due to the many disadvantages that oil systems contain.

  • Fumes and odor from oils can last up to a couple of months
  • Consistent use of the oils can cause the flooring to become darkened and can discolor the lines and logos
  • Oil systems take longer to dry and are not as durable, making them susceptible to marking
  • Oil systems require screening, causing harmful dust to accumulate and also prolonging the shutdown of the floor
  • Screening before applying the multiple required coats can lead to noticeable marks that are visible through the finish

With the many differences, using a water-based system became the best option:

  • The system can be applied in any weather or at any humidity level
  • They provide a next-day-play dry time for minimal downtime
  • Only one coat is needed, leaving a deep, glossy look
  • These solutions can work on about 50% of all gym floors in the USA
  • A water-based system can save over 40% in total costs (labor and material) compared to oil-based system all while being comparable in price

Using Betco’s products and FlexPAC’s process, gym refinishing only takes a full day to complete. Compared to screening, Cardinal Ritter was not only able to save more than $1,000 on their gym refinishing project, but students were able to use the gym the next day in a non-hazardous environment.

Gym floor recoating

Gym floor during recoating

Facility Solutions

See how FlexPAC saved a high school 28% in labor costs by helping them change up their floor care system.