by Bill Fisher | Feb 12, 2018
Considering the fact that the hospital can now cut out routine stripping and refinishing (including both labor and product cost of this process) thanks to LinPol Gloss, the hospital should be able to save up to $15,000-$20,000 a year using this new product.
by Bill Fisher | Jan 29, 2018
With ES83 Haze Away, the hospital system was able to save about 40 – 50 hours across the three hospitals in labor costs due to the speed of use. With the potential future additions of the other five hospitals, the total time savings could be close to 120 hours per week.
by Tom Masters | Nov 28, 2017
An entirely new. custom machine created within the timeframe given saved the manufacturer on costs in numerous areas and exceed the customer’s expectations.
by Eric Toth | Nov 21, 2017
It costs $700-$1,400 per year to maintain one vendor relationship. With 4+ vendors, vendor consolidation will have a yearly savings of $2,400-$5,600.
by Bill Fisher | Nov 7, 2017
Quad City International Airport was able to switch from an oversized trash bag to a smaller one and saved 9.3 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year.
by Blaine Dinwiddie | Oct 24, 2017
It costs $700-$1,400 per year to maintain one vendor relationship. With 15+ vendors, the consolidation will have a yearly savings of $10,500-$21,000. Vendor consolidation has many hidden benefits to your operation!