Hospitals & Healthcare

Working to keep patients and employees safe, strengthen your level of clean, and improve your internal training programs.

Facility Solutions

Hospital cleanliness is based on two sources, (HAI) Hospital Acquired Infections and HCCAP scores. By simplifying the cleaning process, FlexPAC has been able to make contributions in improvement.

We realize that many healthcare facilities are working with fewer FTE’s, and by utilizing our proven process, we can help determine staffing, provide supply chain soft cost savings, consolidate and standardize products and cleaning systems, and mechanize your cleaning. Our Solution Providers use a simple questionnaire that will lead to a comprehensive savings analysis of your campus.

FlexPAC is also a certified approved supplier for all GPO contracts.

Our Facility Solutions department offers you a better understanding of your patients, an improved level of clean, and assistance with programs like:

  • Healthcare benchmarking (compare)
  • Equipment assessments and mechanization programs (internal PM plans)
  • Customized training courses (36-course curriculums)
  • Outsourcing prevention program
  • Discharge patient rooms (process overhauls)
  • Customized 5-S for closets and store rooms


Many care providers in healthcare and hospital settings often end up on the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to having the need to be cared for – medical caregivers are injured many times and more frequently than their peers in seemingly more hazardous sectors such as construction and manufacturing.

In fact, in 2011, hospitals alone recorded 58,860 injuries that were serious enough to cause an employee to miss work. From lifting patients to needle sticks to workplace violence, the challenges healthcare workers face are definitely unique to this industry.

In turn, FlexPAC offers some unique solutions to help prevent injuries and take care of the caregivers we all rely on every day when the alarm sounds.

Our Safety department will help you keep your employees and patients safe, protect you with products, and provide education or training by offering:

Product Solutions

  • Medical grade PPE including gloves and needle stick protection
  • Slip/trip/fall floor care products to reduce costly falls in healthcare settings
  • Barrier creams and hand protection solutions that prevent dermatitis and other diseases
  • Ergonomic solutions including floor mats for medical stations

Customized Training Courses

  • Patient lifting
  • Workplace violence
  • Slips, trips, and falls prevention

Solutions Delivered

Gather data, gain insight, and improve profitability.